The Mercurian Empire

Ardol Supports Cerdic
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Author:  Tulak ForgeArm [ February 9th, 2017, 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Ardol Supports Cerdic

"We CANNOT afford to send reinforcements to help those Umri (human)!" exclaimed Gelvin. "We are too young, and our people are just now settling in. Let the Umri sort it out themselves..."

Gelvin had become quite a reliable advisor to Tulak over the last several years. If not for him, Ardol would still be a Dwed Legend, not an established realm. Hurting his feelings was not something that made Tulak comfortable, but Tulak was Brenin of Ardol. His duty was to make the hard choices, even when they were not popular.

"These Umri, Gelvin, opened their Empire to us. They supported our Claim to Urd Ardol. They have provided us what we needed to get started and survive while we fought to find solid ground here. I will NOT turn my back on them now, not when some madman threatens the security of all we hold dear. I will NOT follow the way of the Eldrumm (elders) and simply retreat into the Urd (mountain). Not while I am Brenin! I love you, karik dwed (ancient/old dwarf: an insult), but you will back me in this effort of you will leave my council!"

Tulak saw the pain immediately in Gelvin's eyes. He knew he would pay for that insult later, but it was necessary for the moment.

Swallowing hard, Gelvin replied "Yes, Brenin ForgeArm, as you insist. What would you have me do?"

"I know we do not have any large forces that we can spare. But we can send a small detachment, and some Unrol Weaverumms (Stone weavers) to assist in shoring up their walls and fortifications. And we can send them khro (iron). Azaria knows we have enough of that, and whatever Mithril weapons we can spare, be it swords, axes, or arrowheads." Tulak continued "I want the people of this Empire to know that Tulak ForgeArm does not take this Realm for granted."

"Right away, Brenin ForgeArm".. Gelvin replied.

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ February 9th, 2017, 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ardol Supports Cerdic

Tulak Forgearm of the Dwarven realm of Ardol,

Long have our people, the Östrons and Dwarves, been friends. I was most relieved to see not the dwarves of our realm, but the dwarves of Ardol marching into the Imperial camp this morning. The arrival of even a few hundred stout dwarves, in addition to the famous mithril of Ardol ( I know of no harder, nor stronger mithril in the Empire!), shall do much to help defeat the Anti-Imperials.

When this conflict is over, I shall visit in person to show my gratitude.

Yours in Imperial Peace,
Ealdorman Cerdic Accynnafon of Östlond.

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