The Mercurian Empire

The Domboc
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Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ September 7th, 2016, 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  The Domboc

The Thanes of the villages of the realm of Östlaed and the Masters of the Order of Sanct Creopbaina united as twin governing pillars of Östron society with the ruler of the realm as their common leader hereby establish this Domboc as the guiding law of the realm.

Dom I | Rights of the Östron People

The Östron people are entitled to free speech in all forms of communication.
The right to own weapons is protected.
The Östron people are entitled to a fair trial. The Östron people are also entitled to know their accuser and the charges they are accused of in a court of law, with the local Thane or any higher authority above their local Thane and their hall to act as said court of law.
The Östron people are entitled to not be slaves.
The Östron people are entitled to freedom from discrimination.

Dom II | Organization of the Realm

This Dom details the territorial divisions of the Östron realm of Östlaed, the political ranks of these territories, and their representation on the Thanesmoot.

Territorial Divisions


Any place where few people live and the people of that place have assigned a Thane.


Any place where at least twenty structures exist.


Any place where at least 50 structures exist.


A collection of towns, villages, and hamlets numbering at least 1 town and 3 villages and/or hamlets Each may be represented on the Thanesmoot by their Thane.


An area roughly equivalent to one average geo-climatic region. This designation is used when at least one Village is present. When more than one Hamlet/Village/Town is present, a Eorl will be assigned from the leading Thane of the Farthing, otherwise, the sole Thane will be in charge of the Farthing.


A Shire consists of at least three Farthings.

II. Titles


A Thane is the chosen leader of a Hamlet, Village, or Town. They are typically chosen because of their wealth and respect within their community. Their title is hereditary, and the terms of that inheritance is determined with accordance to Östron inheritance law.


A Eorl is the leading Thane of a Farthing with multiple villages. The other Thanes of that Farthing become their vassals. Thanes are formally promoted to Eorl by the ruler of Östlaed only.


The Ealdorman is the ruler of the entire realm of Östlaed. His will and power are final, meaning through the Ealdorman alone laws can be changed. The Thanesmoot serves only as an advisory to him. The Ealdorman wields all final political, religious, and military power in the realm, and receives this power through his own political, religious, financial, and scholarly might. This title is hereditary, and the terms of that inheritance is determined with accordance to Östron inheritance law. The Ealdorman also serves as the Grand Master of the Order of Sanct Creopbaina.

III. Thanesmoot

The Thanesmoot is a non-legally binding council that meets every season at the Östur in Acholm, and consists of Thanes, Eorls, and Masters of the Order of Sanct Creopbaina.

The laws they pass are non-legally binding, as the power of the ruler of the realm, the Ealdorman, is final. Laws, decrees, and statutes are passed by this council by a simple majority.

Thanes not within the realm of Östlaed are not entitled to a vote, but are entitled to have a presence on this council.

Dom III | The Östronweard

The Östronweard is composed of the militia, soldiers, Knights, Sailors, and Sea-Knights. Knights serve as the highest rank.

Thanes control the actions of the local Östronweard, with higher ranks serving as higher military authority where applicable.

Defensive locations include Forts, Castles, Strongholds, and Fortresses. Other bases may exist, primarily for supply purposes or the construction of ships and weapons of war.

The monarchy of Östlaed is entitled to call upon all citizens to serve in the militia in times of war or other great need.

Dom IV | Taxes

The Ealdorman of the realm is entitled to collect taxes from his subjects. These taxes are collected from the public, and cannot exceed 10% of all income the Ealdorman is entitled to spend these funds as he sees fit to provide for the defense and infrastructure of the realm.

Dom V | Foreign Policies

The Ealdorman reserves all rights to sign alliances, peace treaties, and trade agreements with whichever realms of the Mercurian Empire and realms not in Empire as he sees fit.
Foreign citizens may own property only within designated areas of Acholm Farthing. These citizens must be conducting businesses of trade or production.
Foreign religions are prohibited from constructing houses of worship or spreading their religion within the realm of Östlaed.
Foreign militaries are not entitled to base out of Östlaed unless allied with the realm of Östlaed.
Foreign military vessels are permitted to dock peacefully in order to resupply on their journeys.
The permissions in sections II and V may be revoked at the Ealdorman’s wishes with regards to an individual realm at any time.
Large amounts of individuals from other realms are not entitled to permanently live in Östlaed.

Dom VI | The Mercurian Empire

As a realm of the Mercurian Empire, the realm of Östlaed shall agree to all laws passed by the House of Dukes and the Council of the Crowned of the Mercurian Empire.

Dom VII | Inheritance Law

The oldest child is entitled to the full wealth, debt, and titles of their father/mother unless otherwise declared.

Dom VIII | Universal Education

Every Östron is entitled to a free education funded by the national income tax.

Dom IX| The Order of Sanct Creopbaina

The Order of Sanct Creopbaina fufills many roles within society. The Order is entitled to receive funds from the realm to fund new infrastructure, upkeep, provide for education of the people, and the incomes of Brothers of the Order.

The leader of the realm shall always be educated as a Brother of the Order and also serve as the Grand Master of the Order.

The Order reserves the sole right to produce commercial quantities of ale within the realm of Östlaed.

Masters of the Östron monasteries are permitted to a single vote at Thanesmoot.

Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ September 9th, 2016, 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Domboc

Fascinating. I wonder if it would be possible to , in the future, to have a system in place for Dawnstar. We have a long way to go before such complexities of comparableness can arise.

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