The Mercurian Empire

Vulca Royal History
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Author:  Darius V [ August 16th, 2016, 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Vulca Royal History

PREHISTORY: Vulca was governed by the direct descendants of Vulca, the High Elf who originally organized the escape from the Old World, until his last descendant died heir less in the Year 30. He was succeeded by the newly founded House of Ihaa.

The House of Ihaa is a Bastard Dynasty created by Ferana after her ancestors were sent to flee alongside other High Elves to the Vulca Regions. Ferana was the direct descendant of an illegitimate child born to one of the last alleged Ibarahian Emperors before it collapsed.

EoF 30 Esä Nova: After the death of the last direct descendant of Vulca, in the year 30, Ferana proclaimed herself leader of the Vulcite Elves as she had the alleged blood of an Ibarahian Emperor in her veins. She founded the Dynasty of Ihaa officially, as well as the modern Duchy of Vulca. During her reign she instituted a new dating system in which the leader's name is taken into account: Era of XYZ E.N., where XYZ stands for the leader's name, and E.N. for Esä Nova. (The Vulcite Calendar is 50 years behind the Imperial Calendar)Her rule lasted for 12 years and her oldest son Aldar succeeded her.

EoA 42 Esä Nova: Aldar ruled for 58 years before being poisoned by his second child, his daughter named Edil, and his nephew named Daley. Despite his long rule, he accomplished little besides developing small infrastructure among Vulca.

EoT 100 Esä Nova: Edil and Daley jointly ruled Vulca as husband and wife, believing only divine blood were to breed among each other. The two cousins saw that their family were the only truly divine, so they chose each other as mates and attempted to encourage their relatives to do the same. Their rule is cited as the "Era of Tvö" which translates to "Era of Two". They had a child named Fjóla, the only child of related ancestry in the House of Ihaa.

EoF 203 Esä Nova: Fjóla ruled for 97 years, after her parents ruled for a total of 103 years combined. She did little and her ego was inflated on compliments given to her by servants that were pseudo-slaves.

EoH 300 Esä Nova: Outraged by the mess that his inbred niece was, Heruk led a campaign to dethrone her and stop her from reproducing. Heruk was successful in this campaign (called Heruk's Revolt), allowing for her pseuedo-slaves to be freed, and for her to be executed by Heruk himself. Due to his major success, Heruk is one of the few Vulcite leaders worshiped in the modern day. During his rule of 90 years he established rules preventing interbreeding among the House of Ihaa, as well as actual social rules and traditions which exist today in modern Vulcite society. However, Heruk's rule turned sour when he instituted laws preventing his own distant cousins from producing heirs until his own line had healthy descendants. Despite objections from many, the laws were in place and resulted in his line taking prominence over his distant relatives. He died a peaceful death and passed power onto his only child, Saphus.

EoS 390 Esä Nova: Saphus assumed power after his renowned father passed away. Saphus' rule reinforced the scholarly and more stoic aspects of society that his father, Heruk, had set in place. Much like his father, he died a peaceful death.

EoH 415 Esä Nova: Heikir, despite being the youngest of Saphus' two children, gained the right to rule long before he was born due to his sister contracting a disease that proved to be fatal. Heikir allegedly contracted early symptoms of the same disease that his late sister experienced, making his rule in EoH 415 E.N. last only 7 years before his 17 year old daughter seized power and 'morally killed him', citing he was going to become much like "Troubled Aunt Gísla" and suffer if he was allowed to live any longer. The only problem many Vulcites had with this was that the symptoms of this disease were never published to the public, leaving Theodora at risk of potentially contracting it herself.

EoT 422 Esä Nova: Theodora's rule has gone unchallenged for several decades and this has led her line (Heruk's) continuing long enough to secure a marriage from the Laghiman Royal Human Family, allowing her family to be intertwined in Imperial Politics of the Mercurian Empire. In the eyes of most older Vulcites, Theodora has made troubling and aggressive advances: killing her own husband, killing her own father,, willingly negotiating with Mercurians, marrying her granddaughter to a Mercurian Human, as well as introducing a human boy (Darius III) to Vulcite traditions and customs.


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