The Mercurian Empire

Cerdic Accynnafon ~ Phoenix 01|02 ~ AI 512
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Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ August 21st, 2016, 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Cerdic Accynnafon ~ Phoenix 01|02 ~ AI 512

The son of Anwealda Mark Accynnafon, the young Cerdic Beoden Accynnafon was born in the year 500. He was born first among a pair of children, twins - his twin being a sister Rowenna Accynnafon. They were the first of House Accynnafon to be born in the Östur.

In the year 512, young Cerdic Accynnafon arrived at the age of 12. 12 is the traditional age in which young Östron men must decide their path in life. The schooling system of the Östron people becomes divided at this point, into trade, military, and religious paths.

Cerdic Accynnafon, unlike his brother Mark Acynnafon II, was never keen on the religious aspects of Östron society. He was too young to drink and enjoyed playing with wooden toy soldiers far too much to be in awe of the Creopbaina religious ceremony. Unlike his older brother, he formed a particularly strong bond with siblings Rowenna, Cerdor, and Lydaer. Well, especially Rowenna. Those two are inseparable, unlike the younger twins Cerdor and Lydaer. While Mark was away reading religious texts and ranting about how much he hated the Wysterian and Laghiman children in Acholm, Cerdic was off playing with his siblings and the other children - both natives and foreign - of the royal court. He loved to invent great stories of knights saving fair maidens. He constantly was taking his toy soldiers (lovingly carved for him by his father) and creating battle formations with his siblings in the garden of the Östur.

The fact that at the age of 12, he has chosen a military path should certainly surprise no one. Especially unsurprised are the Thanes of Östlaed. Young Cerdic was always found sneaking into the Thanesmoots to eavesdrop on the latest raids and fights against the evil creatures of the night. He always denied this, however, his father found great humor in how real-world events found their way into his son's imaginative fantasy stories and playtime with his siblings.

Thus begins the military career of young Cerdic Beoden Accynnafon.

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