The Mercurian Empire

The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon
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Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ February 14th, 2017, 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon

The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon

Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017.

Time: 2 Pacific, 5 Eastern

Where: Östurhealle, Acholm

Closest Portal: Acholm

Lore: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon will take place in Acholm. He is being charged with aiding in treason against the Östron people.

Info: Not that serious of an event, just something a little fun to do if a few people are on. I'll need a volunteer for Lydær, as well as one for the prosecutor.

Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ February 14th, 2017, 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon

Ill try to be there!

Author:  Septimus [ February 14th, 2017, 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon

I believe I can make this. I'm open to playing either part if there is a vacancy

Author:  King Erastil [ February 14th, 2017, 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon

i can be there, and i can play anyone

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ February 15th, 2017, 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon








Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ February 15th, 2017, 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon


Author:  Aren [ February 15th, 2017, 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon

Transcription below

Ealdorman Cerdic:
    By the power invested in me, Ealdorman Cerdic Accynnafon of the realm of Ostlond, by the Thanes of the realm, and by the Mercurian Empire, I hereby call this trial to order.
    Today the Thanes of the Ostron realm of Ostlond, represented by Thane Aelred Blaeckopf of Entshite, present their charges against Lydaer Accynnafon, a knight of the Halig Frecan.
    The proceedings shall now begin with pledges of honesty.
    Thane Aelred, do you give your word to tell the truth and the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in accordance with Ostron and Mercurian law?

Thane Aelred Blaeckopf:
    I do.

Ealdorman Cerdic:
    Lydaer Accynnafon, do you give your word to tell the truth and the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in accordance with Ostron and Mercurian law?

Lydaer Accynnafon:
    I do.

Ealdorman Cerdic:
    At this time, I request the prosecution present the charges against Lydaer Accynnafon.

Thane Aelred Blaeckopf:
    The prosecution hereby charges Lydaer Accynnafon with Treason against the Ostron peoples.

Ealdorman Cerdic:
    Lydaer, how do you plead to this charge?

Lydaer Accynnafon:
    I plead not guilty to the crime of Treason.

Ealdorman Cerdic:
    Unfortunate that you choose to not be truthful with the Ostron people.
    At this time, the prosecution will provide arguments and evidence for this crime.
    Prosecution, you may begin.

Thane Aelred Blaeckopf:
    Thank you, Your Honor.
    I will now present my evidence.
    The prosecution will prove that not only did Lydaer Accynnafon take part in the Ostron Civil War against the forces of Ostlond, but that he did so willingly and with full knowledge of his brother, Mark II's, plans.
    It is known that Lydaer was involved in the Battle of Wiccaweald Farthing as well as the battle of Skovgaard in the summer of 545, resulting in the combined deaths of 3000 Ostrons.
    This is in addition to The Battle of Blaecwyrt in the spring of 545 where the Helig Frecan suffered heavy losses.
    Lydaer was instrumental in each battle and should be held accountable for the results.
    This concludes the evidence presented.

Ealdorman Cerdic:
    Thank you, Thane Aelred.
    The defense may present their testimony and evidence.

Lydaer Accynnafon:
    I would like to begin my defense by stating that while some of the things that I did were wrong, and I do not deny that, but the things I did were not Treason.
    I was following the orders of Mark II, and while I may not have agreed with his ideas, I was bound by rank and familial bonds to him.
    Loyalty is a prized quality amongst many people, because it keeps us united. The ability to stand up to someone is also prized, and I admit I failed in that regard.
    But, it was not Treason to follow my lord, my brother.
    I would like everyone to also consider that I did choose to surrender my forces against Mark II's orders, and I refused to slaughter innocents when commanded to.
    I also prevented the slaughter of many people in Wiccaweald after Mark II executed their Thane.
    I do not claim that my soul is unstained of blood, but I do want the chance to prove to the Ostron people, that I am willing to prove to them, that I am still loyal to them, and I cannot do that if the charges are not transparent.
    I rest my defense and await your judgement.

Ealdorman Cerdic:
    Thank you for your arguments.
    The jury will no deliberate on your guilt.
    The jury has made their decision.
    Lydaer Accynnafon, the jury finds you not guilty of Treason.
    However, they find you guilty of crimes against Humanity.
    After considering the actions you took to lessen the impact of your crimes, I have made the decision to strip you of your noble title.
    In addition, you will be exiled to Scittecig for the rest of your days.
    This trial now concludes.

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ February 15th, 2017, 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trial of Lydær Accynnafon

Aren wrote:

You are far less lazy than I am! Remind me to bring you a gift next time I'm in Haven :)

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