The Mercurian Empire

Silent protest of the Dælons | Tide 00|08 545 A.I.
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Author:  Zariin [ February 9th, 2017, 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Silent protest of the Dælons | Tide 00|08 545 A.I.

The Dælons didn't want to fight in the Östron war. They didn't care about petty politics, nor did they want to side with either of the two ruling brothers. They just wanted to eat their bread and drink their beer in peace, but the war made that impossible. The Dælons weren't annoyed just about that, though - they were still angry at "Cyning" Mark II for prohibiting public shrines dedicated to other spirits than the creeper. They wanted a revenge, no matter how small, so they started causing all the trouble they could despite being almost powerless.

Most of the Dælons united under the leadership of Lady Zariin to sabotage Östlæd at least a little bit. They couldn't attract much attention, because then they'd get crushed by the forces of Halig Frecan, so they decided to only attack incoming and passing through supply wagons of Östlæd. That way they looked like the average bandits or even rebellious forces from the nearby Wiccaweald.

The fact that these attacks didn't raise much suspicion gave the Dælons confidence in what they were doing. Soon they began ambushing messengers. This did raise awareness of something happening around that birch forest, because normal bandits didn't go just after messengers and supply wagons, but also travelers and merchants, but it still looked like it could have been people from Wiccaweald.

No Dælon believed that they could go that far almost unnoticed. Maybe it was the fact that they didn't cause much trouble in the past, but surprisingly not many people suspected Túnindæl and other Dælon settlements were causing the sabotages.

The Dælons didn't stop there, though. They began killing some unimportant Halig Frecan knights, who were stationed in any of the Dælon settlements. This wasn't a wise step, however. Other Halig Frecan knights, even highly ranked ones, began questioning what is going on. The Dælons stopped killing the knights, but they continued the other rebellious activities, because stopping those would clearly show who was behind it all.

Author:  The Chairman [ February 9th, 2017, 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Silent protest of the Dælons | Tide 00|08 545 A.I.

It seams the Dælons are now part of the war in spite of their best intentions.

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ February 9th, 2017, 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Silent protest of the Dælons | Tide 00|08 545 A.I.

The Dælons are indeed walking a tight line! If Mark II were to suspect, and receive any confirmation, the bloodthirsty fanatic might make things difficult for Tunindæl.

However, Tunindæl isn't some sleepy hamlet anymore. As one of the largest villages in the realm, their militia and knights would do much to turn the tide of this war - a war that the Imperial Forces seem to be struggling in.

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