Gelderlond is a trade focused economy in line with Acholm and the empire at large. Primary exports include birch wood, fish, bows, and gold. Primary imports include luxury goods, dark oak wood, and mining tools. Most trade flows through the primary port of Northubeorc at the south-east region of the realm, where goods are bought and sold by Isilian, Imperial, and Ostron traders. Gold and other precious metals come overland from the mountains to the north, and are sold for luxury goods from Acholm, Aestham, and New Isilioth.
_________________ Lord Cynefrith Kalo Arataefia of Northubeorc Eorl of Gelderlond, Protector of the Östrons Knight of the Order of Östlond in Gelderlond Student of the Gildscype Scytera (Archers' Guild)