The Mercurian Empire

Tales from Östea
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Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ January 5th, 2017, 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the East

Ok, first, read these two links:



Summary: Östrons don't worship Creepers as some kind of god, but more like pay reverence to the Creeper spirits. Think of the Östron mythology as more of a nature spirit worship. There is no god, nor do Östrons necessarily exalt them as some all powerful entity. They do use it as a symbol to scare sometimes scare people, and of course small children as a kind of "boogeyman."

Fundamentalists take a different approach, but they wouldn't say there is just one god - just that only the creeper spirits are worth paying reverence to.

The Monastery in Arnum certainly could be a source for the fundamentalist element, however, that is less likely than some places in Östlaed. However, the Master of the Arnum monastery certainly would be one of these Fundamentalists.

Author:  Arcel [ January 18th, 2017, 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the East

The sight of a column of soldiers marching through the streets of Arnum was not unusual, but their approach towards the stairs leading to the monastery caught Eadric’s eye. From his perch on the monastery wall, he guessed their number to be at least a dozen, garbed in the heavy armor typical of Casadian lancers. With a sigh, Eadric closed the book he had been reading and made for the entrance. He arrived just as the soldiers were marching through the archway.

“Greetings, friends. How might I serve you on this fine day?” Eadric said warmly.

The man at the head of the column removed his helm, revealing a familiar, but concerning, face.

“Ah, Thalian, it has been many years since you have graced the city with your presence.” Eadric tried to maintain a pleasant tone. Thalian was one of Cerydon’s old war dogs who had earned a reknown as a ruthless warrior during the battles against the Sejuk. Rumors of Thalian’s true nature as a merciless killer had spread quickly through Ӧstea following the conflict, with some of the tales being particularly gruesome. The stories had not sat well with a young Eadric, and they certainly caused his stomach to turn now. Thalian was one of Cerydon’s most trusted generals; whatever he was here for, it was not bound to be pleasant.

“Summon the commander of the Knights of the Order. We must talk.” Thalian said gruffly.

One of the gate guards scurried off to find the commander while Eadric led Thalian to the library

“Might I inquire as to the purpose of your visit?” Eadric asked as he unlocked the door to the library.

“There are concerns.” Thalian answered curtly.

“About the Order, I presume?” Eadric guessed. Thalian nodded.

“It does appear as though Ӧstlaed is headed for crisis. The good Ealdorman was a unifying force for certain. I fear what may happen now that he has passed.” Eadric gestured towards a table and the two sat. He pined for a mug of ale as his nervousness grew. The door creaked open and the commander of the Knights joined them. Eadric could tell by his guarded expression that they shared concern.

“There are concerns that the instability of Ӧstlaed may take root here. Such conflict is to be avoided.” Thalian’s comments sounded more like a command.

“I do not think the people of Ӧstea will pay too much heed to the politics of their northern brothers. If they wished to partake of Ӧstron politics, they would have left for Ӧstlaed long ago.” The commander answered, trying to match Thalian’s sternness.

“It is not the people of the city that worry us.” Thalian glanced at both Eadric and the commander.

“Surely you do not believe we will cause trouble?” Eadric exclaimed in surprise, “The last thing we desire here is conflict.”

“Is it not the Order who commands you?” Thalian asked rhetorically.

“By technicality, I suppose so, though the commander here will confirm that we have had less and less contact with the Order since the foundation of Ӧstlaed. We have always maintained a level of independence from the central body of the faith. With the way the order has turned towards fundamentalism, I would not doubt they consider us faithless heathens now.” Eadric’s thirst for an ale was as strong as ever now.

“The monk speaks true,” stated the commander, “The ranks of our knights have always been drawn from the local population. There are few foreign Ӧstrons in our ranks. If you think we are under the thumb of the Order, you are mistaken.”

“This is welcome news.” Thalian’s tone did not shift, “Your faith has always been welcome in Casadia. It is our hope it remains so. In pursuit of such an end, I would advise that your relationship with the Order remain unchanged. Should the Order seek to change it, the Guardian expects to be informed.”

“As you wish. If there is nothing else...” Eadric collected himself and stood.

“I shall leave you to your business.” Thalian stood and strode out of the library. Once the door had shut behind him, Eadric shared a knowing look with the commander. Both men made a swift exit towards the brewery.

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ January 18th, 2017, 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the East

News from Acholm

The Grand Master of the Order of Sanct Creopbaina has disbanded the Knights of the Order. All Knights in foreign realms are to travel to either the Imperial Monastery or the Acholm Monastery to be evaluated for inclusion in the Halig Frecan.

Author:  Arcel [ January 19th, 2017, 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the East

To the Ealdorman Mark Accynafon II,

Word has reached us in Ernun that you have disbanded the Knights of the Order and have summoned all former knights to Acholm to be evaluated for fitness to join the Halig Frecan. I found this news of this disbandment troubling, especially given the relative independence granted to our monastery in the past, and as such chose to discuss it with my fellow knights before heeding the order. Many expressed concern about both the necessity of such evaluation and the implications of leaving Casadia and their families to be pressed into service for a foreign army. In truth, I shared many of their concerns. After much discussion, it was decided that each knight in my command shall choose for themselves whether to heed the summons. Of the sixteen knights under my command, only three have chosen to accompany me to Acholm for evaluation: Sirs Alric Toller, Saward Lander, and Eadfrith Maerleswein. The rest shall remain in Ernun to uphold their oath to defend followers of the faith under the command of Sir Wilheard Hygered.

I pray this letter reaches you in good health,

Sir Eadward Wulfheort
Commander of the Knights of Ernun

Eadward set aside his pen and passed the letter to Thalian. Eadward could see Thalian’s eyes read each word carefully.

“Good,” Thalian passed the parchment back, “Send it.”

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