The Mercurian Empire

Lady Aeries Legacy 470 AI
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Author:  Sodihv Thalion [ February 8th, 2017, 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Lady Aeries Legacy 470 AI

A dark cloud descended over the city of Fichina. Raindrops slipped through the thick of the
great tree and pattered on the leaves of the foliage below. The recent wound on the palace
was still fresh. Water seeping in through the cracks soaked the charred woodwork within.

No one had bothered to empty anything of value from the room in order to preserve the scene.
It has been 13 suns and 13 moons since the incident and the investigators research has been utterly
fruitless. The moon is high in the sky already. All of the guards have gone to their posts for
the night. Atryl's room will be vacant until the rise of the sun. I'm sure the guard won't mind
if the sister to the King of DorEryn has a little look around her late brother's room.

It looks eerily similar to how it used to despite an incinerated hole where brothers bed used
to stand. The paintings are still on the walls, covered in a layer of soot. The wardrobe and
ornaments have been outlined with a black shadow. The tables and chairs thrown to the corner
of the room but no sign of the ornate bed that was once the centerpiece of the room. The guards tell
me that there was no trace of him or his mistress to be found. They're only operating on the
assumption he was even there because his blackened robes were found melted to the wall near
the door.

The nightstand that stood beside the bed was embedded in the wooden wall... at least half of it.
The explosion seems to have evaporated an entire side. As I approached the edge of the newly formed
terrace I felt the floor beneath me suddenly give way. There was a loud snap and I stumbled sideways
into the charred wall. The force of my stumble crushed the brittle wall. One of the planks became
dislodged and fell to the floor followed by the nightstand that it was propped up against. The mess
crashed to the floor breaking up even more on the impact. I pried myself out of the indent I had
created in the wall. Soot lined my robes as if they had fallen into a cold furnace.

I brushed myself off and inspected the damage I had done. The gaurd will certainly notice the
ruin of the scene and the sound I just created. I more carefully made my way towards the exit
of the room when i noticed a book that had fallen out of the nightstand when it crashed to the
floor. With my curiosity, I grabbed the book off the floor. The cover was melted and the sides
of the pages were black and frayed. As I opened the book, several pages came loose from the binding
and fell to the floor. I scrambled to reassemble the brittle book and neatly placed each page back
in the book where I believed they were before losing themselves.

As I reopened the book, more carefully this time, I noticed the top of the first page was dated. It
was marked near the beginning of the Cycle of the Dragon. Before I was even born. After the date was
also written a location, The Imperial City of Concordia. This book must be Atryl's traveling journal.

I heard the sound of hurried steps coming up the stairs and quickly shoved the journal inside my robes.

The door opened quickly as Sir Viken hurried his way into the room, weapon drawn. He immediately
looked relieved when he saw that I was the only one in the room. Returning the sword to his side,
he noticed my dirtied robes and became visibly worried again.

"Lady Aeries" he exclaimed. "Are you alright? What happened? I heard a noise."

"Its alright Sir Viken, I'm okay, I just lost my footing a little" I replied.

"That's good to hear, but this place is dangerous, you shouldn't be subjecting yourself to
this forsaken place" Viken retorted.

"I know, I wasn't feeling well tonight so I thought I'd take a walk through the palace and visit my
brother" I responded, hoping he wouldn't put too much thought into my excuse.

"My lady, i know it must be hard for you, but I don't think its healthy or safe for you to be visiting
here quite yet. The floor is still unstable and Atryl hasn't..."

"I know. He's still here. Its alright Viken. I'll be returning to my chambers now. Will you escort me
back?" I requested, hoping to gain back a bit of his trust.

"Of course my lady, lets go get you cleaned up."

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