The Mercurian Empire

Kati Thanort
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Author:  Gimpy V [ August 7th, 2015, 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Kati Thanort

"Finish laying the tracks" Kati sighed as she saddled her Harold her newest horse. "I want this done by tomorrow!"
The work master nodded "Aye mam" and hurried the others to begin working on the tracks leading into the market. "And don't forget to install every support beam, we don't want a repeat of Monday!" Kati clicked her heels and Harold trotted off following the rail line.
She'd been at work in Mesaque for the last mercannum and with the help of Samaia the place was really starting to thrive. Sadly Samaia had other matters to attend to and her attention had been lost. Without anyone around Kati was very unmotivated, she was 74 after all.
As she crossed the bridge leading to upper Mesaque she met her guard "The Gal Kaies"
"Evening boys" she muttered as they fell in line behind her, they followed her through the portal and into the nether.
She could barely get away from the 6 guards, whom she had selected from her elite fighters, for any amount of time. They swiftly rode through the nether behind her and we're always ready for trouble, covered in fine steel with diamond tipped blades they could fend of any creature, or man. She sighed once more.
As she passed through the blue line she became engrossed in her own thoughts barely paying attention to the path. She began to remember a different time, when her life was filled with excitement, adventure, and the goal of a crown. She had promised her people that before she died she would gain the respect of the council and make Kaine a kingdom. It was not yet so, and 74 isn't exactly young. With the onset of the dark ages so soon after hosting the imperial games the arenas and venues were abandoned and lost to the sand and the stone. One of her most high achievements was lost. "Damn the fool who led us into this mess" she said suddenly. Realizing she had spoken aloud she waved her hand to the Gal to make sure they weren't worried. It was likely her son Uvri who had sent the Gal to Mesaque, he always worried about her. "I can fend for myself." she muttered this time. And she could, she may have been old but she was nimble as ever. She hadn't lost her ability to lock blades with the best of them. As they arrived at the portal to Rivale she stared down the passage to Skragg and Griff. She knew that at the end of the passage was now a beautiful hub built by a new serf of Wysteria. Biakko, that was her name. She was a new favourite among the nobles for her harsh but pleasant tongue and her seemingly pure heartedness. She was envious of Duke Sean for acquiring such a wonderful serf, but would never say it to his face.
She stepped through the portal pulling Harold behind her and appeared in the town of Gaiel the few villagers still out and about waved as she and her guard hurried down the road to Rivale.
She stopped in front of "The Queens Fountain". "Go ahead boys, I'll be along in a moment." She waved the Gal off down the street. She stared at the still fountain and smiled. "One day that fountain will flow, and when it does, all of Kaine will rejoice."

Author:  Flanders [ August 8th, 2015, 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kati Thanort

What is this? Lore from Kaine? Not at all subliminal messaging for kingship...

Author:  Gimpy V [ August 8th, 2015, 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kati Thanort

Also Kaine has done lots of lore, I've got my prehistory and even a story of before the prehistory about the Thanort family :b

Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ August 10th, 2015, 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kati Thanort

Ave Ally.

My sincerest apologies for my absences in Mesaque of late. There are a number of pressing matters that have been requiring my attention, most notably an envoy to a remote native area in Perth. It has been very demanding.

It is a sad tale to hear of your laments about not reaching the Council following the Dark Age. The Imperial Games were a triumph and a testament to your people's resolve.

Would that there had been no such cataclysm, things might have been much different.

Author:  Gimpy V [ November 18th, 2015, 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kati Thanort

The messenger arrived hoisting scrolls of many colours over his shoulder. “M’lady I bring news from the settlements to the south.” He immediately removed the bag holding the scrolls and began to sort through them as Kati sat silently watching.

At the age of 103 she seemed to have lost, to the surprise of many, little of her vigour and energy of youth. As always she loved to hear from her people, she’d even visited the counties closest to Rivale and met some of her newest counts over the past few years. She was however, sick of these pointless letters which spoke of nothing but small towns and the passing and birth of few people. In truth she missed her dear friend Samaia. Having not seen her in over 3 years and receiving only 2 letters that spoke of how she was doing was in fact a good sign. It meant she was busy, it meant she was doing well with her latest project, Dawnstar. A new Grande Duchy had been formed between the two kingdoms of Isilioth and Perth, a land which was separate from both kingdoms. Instead this place answered to the council of the crowned, as did Kaine. Though she did hope one day she would be a part of that council. As the messenger relayed his report she sighed and stared wistfully out the window to the desert sands.

“Thank you P’real, rest this evening and we will have a letter for you to spread to the southern settlements in the morning.” Jared spoke loudly startled the Duchess from her daydreaming.

“Yes thank you P’real” Jared a man with incredible attention to detail and yet not detached from the picture as a whole was one of her close advisors, her other advisor Silvy was less pragmatic about her role and took it upon herself to speak with those who live in Rivale daily. Both were incredibly close to her and she needed both now more than ever to rule Kaine.

The Duchy was becoming harder and harder to rule from Rivale, she and many of her people knew this. The town was growing no larger and much of her rule now live on the mainland instead of the chain of islands around Rivale. She knew that soon she must start work on her new capital, maybe this would make the king's accept her as one of them.

Ever since the loss of Minerva’s crown the council had been shrinking, first Kabranth, then Isilioth and finally New Ertia. These kings had retreated from the council and during the dark ages had decided to keep their borders tight and cut off contact with the rest of the kingdoms. They still existed of course and their rule was not rebuked but rather made inactive. Thus with three remaining active members of the council everyone's workload was tough, and they had little time to visit each other at these times. It made sense, the trade routes and sharing of knowledge between all of the kingdoms was what helped keep them powerful. Losing many of those was a blow to the entire empire.

“Bring me my papers... and a fresh quill Jared.” Kati said waving him away, she would write another letter asking for their acceptance of her proposal. She sighed once more before Jared suddenly rushed back into the room quill and paper forgotten.

“M’lady you’d better come see this.” He spoke softly, but the fear in his voice was obvious.

“Lovely.” She replied. “What is it?” She stood up beginning to follow him down the stairs of her private office. What she saw before her when she exited the stairwell answered the question for her. P’real lay dead beside her long oak table, a puddle of blood around his stomach where three stab wounds had been formed. Kati dropped her head in disbelief, “Jared, send for the guard.” He nodded and quickly exitted through the front door yelling at the top of his lungs.

“Are you sure you want us alone?” Came a quiet voice from the shadows of the stairwell behind her.

“I am sure that my son will need a good advisor to help him rule when I am gone.” She replied hastily turning and drawing her dagger. “Though, that may not happen for some time.” She grinned at the young human.

“We will see, we will see…” He whispered inspecting a bloody dagger in his right hand an empty bottle of poison in the other. “All I need do is prick you with my dagger and you shall be dead within minutes” His speech had began in whisper but at that broke into harsh laughter. “And so shall I!” He shouted gleefully licking the edge of the bottle and swallowing hastily.

“Oh you poor boy, you’ve been struck with madness…” She dropped her dagger and smiled tenderly. “We shall die together then, for I am not afraid of death, my time has come.” as she said this she walked towards him arms outstretched.

She hugged him, and felt the point of the dagger sink through her flesh.

Author:  Liserett [ November 18th, 2015, 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kati Thanort


Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ November 22nd, 2015, 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kati Thanort

I hope your people can find who is responsible for this heinous act.

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