The Mercurian Empire

Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas
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Author:  Gimpy V [ June 18th, 2015, 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

^Barath describes it quite well, we don't want realism just not ugly places.

Author:  Sodihv Thalion [ June 18th, 2015, 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

The world building aspect is also a large part of what our server is. The Regent always said that this is a world building server first, lore second, and RPG third. Everyone creating a great world together is what the server is about. The survival vanilla doesn't make us unique, there are hundreds of servers that do that. The community, the laws, the hierarchy, the government; that's what makes us unique. Of course I never plan to stray from the near vanilla survival gameplay either.

Also just because its in minecraft doesn't mean that its a good idea. Dinnerbone, one of like 4 main guys working on the game is still learning a lot of things because prior to being hired by Mojang he had literally no experience in the industry. And the repair system and zombie spawning system are things that literally no one likes.

You mentioned the removing of passive mobs. That is for people like Scrios and Aurrenis or anyone who has massive farm fields. Bunnies will spawn on your crops anyway and jump on everything you love. You lose if you kill them (because that still crushes crops) and you lose if you don't kill them (because the continue to jump all over your crops). Zombie pigman blocking railways is also a major annoyance as there is only one way to stop them from spawning and its not convenient or aesthetic. In my city Fichina, i'm sure you know there is a massive tree in the middle. That tree looks like a massive candlestick due to the insane amount of torches needed to stop creepers from dropping from the sky and ruining my day. And it still happens despite how torched up everything is. Without this plugin, Fichina will never hold villagers.

Also once an area is torched up, the "challenge" of mobs is already gone but the trade off is that the city is now super flammable due to a torch covering every nook and cranny. They're on rooftops, sides of buildings, in the closet, under your bed, up your nose, in your food, out of your ass when you take a dump. They are unnecessarily everywhere and if we use the system put in place I believe this plugin would greatly benefit our server while losing very minimal game play features of Vanilla.

Author:  Favian II [ June 18th, 2015, 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

They're on rooftops, sides of buildings, in the closet, under your bed, up your nose, in your food, out of your ass when you take a dump.

Now I can't stop laughing at the hypothetical situation of a wife berating her husband for having a torch up his bum, all the while he's like "But Margaret!! We have no choice! We have to be safeeeeee"

Author:  Celestine [ June 18th, 2015, 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

^ you. I like you.

Author:  Gimpy V [ June 18th, 2015, 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

I agree on all points except for what the Regent said atryl, he always said it was survival first.

Author:  Wysterian Labourer's Council [ June 18th, 2015, 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

It's true, Regent always said that it was survival first. And I agreed with him. But this goes beyond that.

Barath, you make the case that this would be a plugin strictly controlled, and that it wouldn't "break the dam". And yet, already we see how more aspects of our core survival experience could and would be changed: now there's talk of not only using this to preserve lore and keep well-established cities safe, but also to prevent zombie pigmen and bunnies spawning. Where does it end? With every change we might make for convenience's sake (i.e pigmen blocking minecarts - even though they are rarely used nowadays - or bunnies damaging crops), we stray further from the core vanilla gameplay.

Also, I reject the premise that we have to 'compensate' for Minecraft's failings and inconviniences in order to reach a more lore-friendly game environment. True, lots of other servers do this, but I maintain that our holding on to a pure survival gameplay while developing our legal and political infrastructure is what makes us unique among other rpg servers. Our world grows and changes as the base game does, and I would be saddened to see us abandon that.

Author:  Sodihv Thalion [ June 18th, 2015, 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

This plugin isn't going to change your very way of life. I think that you may be overthinking this a little. Almost nothing will change except for the fact that torches will be removed and friendly mobs will spawn where the are supposed to and not all over your fields. Also the reason that minecarts aren't widely used is because of pigmen. I guarantee if pigmen were a non-factor, minecarts would be the main method of transport because of the ability to afk while you travel.

The Vanilla game isn't some golden standard. It has mistakes, just like every game ever. But using this plugin the way we defined doesn't take away any survival mechanics. The areas that receive this treatment have already "survived", now they can survive without the torches that once littered their landscape.

Author:  Scrios V [ June 18th, 2015, 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

I 100% agree with Atryl and Barath. Nothing more has to be said on my part because it summarizes my position and viewpoints nicely. I think the other points are trying to justify nothing that is really negative.

Instead of dancing around the plugin lets put it to a vote. It has my 100% support with conditions of use (which really is the only discussion point needed to be had in this in my opinion).

Author:  Wysterian Labourer's Council [ June 18th, 2015, 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed: Plugins for Mob-Proof Areas

Though I'm wary of expounding the same points, I'd like to address the idea that we are "overthinking" the implementation of this plugin. I don't believe we are, simply because the decision whether or not to adopt this plugin is the first ever case of us considering a plugin that would alter the survival aspect of the game. I hear your arguments that this wouldn't change any fundamental aspects of Hermertia, but I have to respectfully disagree. It challenges one of the most fundamental aspects of all: that Hermertia exists as a pure vanilla server.

Forgive me if I sound overly dramatic, but I think this does represent a fundamental shift in how we decide to follow the constraints of vanilla gameplay, and should be regarded as such. It's not a simple case of me overthinking a convinced that would allow for more aesthetically-pleasing snow.

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