Table of Contents

The Path of the Unburnt

Core Beliefs

The Path of the Unburnt is based around fire worship and is the defining feature of Casadian society. Followers of the Path believe that there is an inner Fire within us all. Embracing one's inner Fire requires committing oneself to a higher purpose that supersedes one's own selfish ambition. The Fire rewards those who dedicate themselves to it with a number of benefits. The Unburnt are resistant, and in very rare cases immune, to fire. The Fire also grants devotees improved physical stamina, though this varies greatly from person to person.

The Path of the Unburnt has two distinct sects separated by how they view the inner Fire. Some believe that the Fire is merely an inherent natural force like the wind or tides, while the majority believe that the Fire is given to the Unburnt by a god of order (or some sort of powerful magic being) to help them battle chaos. The latter sect's belief led to the creation of the Altheri, a warrior order dedicated to combating chaos and defending civilization. Casadian society has thus evolved to support and perpetuate this warrior brotherhood. Despite this fundamental divide, the sects are non-competitive and are able to peacefully coexist.

Customs and Rituals

In order to join the ranks of the Unburnt, one must pass the Fire Trials. The Trials consist of a number of tests of altruism, courage, and faith involving the use of fire. The final trial consists of walking into a pool of lava. Passing this trial is proof that one has embraced their inner Fire, as they will be granted immunity to the heat. The Fire Trials are a rite of passage for all Casadian youths, as well as any others that wish to join the ranks of the Casadians.

Religious Organization

The Path of the Unburnt has a small class of priests known as Kindlers. Their purpose is twofold: to maintain the knowledge of The Path and to manage the passage of the Trials. Beyond these priests, there is no formal religious organization.

Important Religious Sites

There are no sites considered 'holy' by followers of The Path, but there are several notable sites used for the final trial. The Maw in Casad Vokh is used as the main site for initiation to The Path for Casadians in Kybalia. There are also smaller initiation sites in Concordia and Ankylos.